Carbon Sink & Storage (CCS) @Scale
We have unique capabilities, utilizing natural and environment safe cold emulsion bonding technologies, with high Biochar content across a wide range of construction applications. Our superior penetration bonding mechanisms enable our product installations to achieve “carbon net negative” status due to carbon sequestration at scale (high Biochar content), as well as Green House Gas Emission Avoidance savings towards true carbon drawdown status.
What is Carbon Sink? A carbon sink is anything, natural or otherwise, that accumulates and stores some carbon-containing chemical compound for an indefinite period and thereby removes carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere. Many efforts are being made to enhance natural sequestration in soils. In addition, a range of artificial sequestration initiatives are underway such as changed building construction materials.

High Permanence and Longer Lasting Pavements
Carbon sequestered is stored near indefinitely within an inert road base and various general construction applications, making our products and installations more cost effective per m², easier to use, stronger by an order of magnitude and far safer for the environment if compared to conventional hot asphalt and cement applications.
Positive Impact against
Climate Warming
- 70 Mil to 100 Mil tons of Biochar material needed to make environment safe char-based asphalt road mixes for the asphalt roads constructed every year…greatly increased Biochar sales value.
- Biochar from forest clean-up, residuals and from fire damaged wood resources, insect damaged wood and construction and demolition wood can be safely used.
- Carbon is sequestered in the pavements and provides a superior bonding mechanism.
- More conductive and with less layer thickness, this will reduce heat sink effects.
- Reduced installation related emissions and simpler road construction.
- Existing infrastructure and equipment can be used.
- Renewable Energy Recovery during production and converted to sensible heat and converted to power using ORC turbines.
- Biochars & chars can also be used in multiple industries as carbon capture and sink drivers to reach Global Climate Targets.

Carbon Net-Zero vs Carbon Net-Negative vs Emission Avoidance and Carbon Abatement - Explained
Carbon Net Zero is similar in principle to carbon neutrality but is expanded in scale. To achieve net zero means to go beyond the removal of just carbon emissions. Net zero refers to all greenhouse gases being emitted into the atmosphere, such as methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O) and other hydrofluorocarbons.
Being Carbon Net Negative means we offset or remove more carbon from the atmosphere than we emit.
Emissions Avoidance or emissions reduction projects are when an activity or project results in future greenhouse gas emissions being avoided or reduced.
Carbon Abatement simply means curbing emissions in order to reduce the concentration of certain gases and contaminants in our environment.